Stock Pro


Free Research

Date Stock Name Looks Good Above Stoploss Targets Result Rationales Graph
01/11/2024 TATA POWER (SWING TRADE ) 354.5 350 2-4-6-8-10+12-15 (Hold few days ) 360 Volume breakout Ready to break past barriers.
01/11/2024 CHENNAI PETRO (POSITIONAL TRADE ) 758 720 775-785-800-825-850-875-900 (Holding period few we 868.7 Volume breakout Ready to break past barriers.
01/10/2024 DISH TV (POSITIONAL TRADE ) 24 23 24.5-25-25.5-26 Hold few days 24.15 Volume breakout Ready to break past barriers.
01/10/2024 LINC (SWING TRADE ) 715-720 640 730-740-750-760 Hold few days 725 Volume breakout Ready to break past barriers.
01/09/2024 ZEEL (SWING TRADE ) 260 252 263-265-267-270 Hold few days 269 Volume breakout Ready to break past barriers.

( *Disclaimer: All these recommendations are given by StockPro-Team for educational learning purposes. Please talk to your financial adviser before investing. We will not be responsible for your profits and losses. )

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