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Free Research

Date Stock Name Looks Good Above Stoploss Targets Result Rationales Graph
01/23/2024 GANDHITUBE (Positional Trade) 780-800 700 850-860-870 (Hold few weeks) 865 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
01/20/2024 PCBL (POSITIONAL TRADE) 320 300 330-340-350-360-375 (Hold few months) 333.45 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
01/20/2024 POWER GRID (Positional Trade) 239 237 1-2-3-4-6-8-10-12points from entry (Hold few days) 246.80 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
01/20/2024 GSFC (POSITIONAL TRADE) 306.5 300 2-4-6-8-10-12-15 points from entry (Hold few days) 322.25 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
01/19/2024 NAHARSPING (Swing Trade) 298-302 270 320-325-330 (Hold few days) 318.65 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes

( *Disclaimer: All these recommendations are given by StockPro-Team for educational learning purposes. Please talk to your financial adviser before investing. We will not be responsible for your profits and losses. )

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