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Free Research

Date Stock Name Looks Good Above Stoploss Targets Result Rationales Graph
02/08/2024 PARAG MILK (BTST TRADE) 250 240 255-260-265-270-275 254 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
02/08/2024 INTERNATIONAL CONVEYORS (INTLCONV) (POSITIONAL TRA 116 95 125-130-135-140-145-150-170-170 (Hold few Weeks) 124.79 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
02/08/2024 PARADEEP PHOSPHATE (POSITIONAL TRADE) 84 75 88-90-92-95-97-100-105-110 (Hold few Weeks) 85.90 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
02/08/2024 BDL (BHARAT DYNAMICS) (POSITIONAL TRADE) 1855 1750 1900-1950-2000-2050-2100 (Hold few Weeks) 1938.90 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes
02/08/2024 TATA TELESERVICES (POSITIONAL TRADE) 103 90 110-115-120-125-130 (Hold few Weeks) 105.20 Stock is ready to cross past barriers with good volumes

( *Disclaimer: All these recommendations are given by StockPro-Team for educational learning purposes. Please talk to your financial adviser before investing. We will not be responsible for your profits and losses. )

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